Want to call overseas? If the first time to call abroad is usually still confused about how to call abroad is cheap and easy.
To make phone calls abroad can be through IDD Service or Clear Channel technology channel and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
IDD Service is an international voice call (voice call) service that uses clear channel technology with better quality than voice over internet protocol (VoIP). While VOIP or ITKP (Internet Telephony for Public Purposes) is a voice transmission technology over the Internet data network. For more info you can visit https://voipscan.eu/. Because the Internet does not recognize the long-distance and international connection (all connections are local), then communication using VoIP is relatively cheaper than direct long distance and International conventional direct dial.
Until now, in Indonesia, there are three operators that have license to provide IDD access code that is Indosat (001 and 008), Telkom (007), and lastly Bakrie Telecom (009). As for the SLI through VoIP, in addition to these three operators, other players who participate plunge quite a lot. Whether it is from the operator or internet service provider company. The hallmark of the VOIP access code is usually with the prefix “010XY”. An example is the access code of Telkom Global is 01017 and the access code VOIP three is 01089.