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All About Employment Background Checks – Essential Facts That You Should Know Of One thing that you should know regarding employment background check is the fact that these days, it is turning into something more common. The reason behind why this thing becomes more and more common is due to the fact that negligent hiring lawsuit which often ends from the actions of an employee that is errant can damage the credibility of the company and at the same time, lead to fines that are hefty. Apart from the reasons we already mentioned to you in this article, there are other reasons circling why employment background check is becoming more common today and this includes the following: accepting resumes at face value has turned into something that many companies are wasting both their money and time with because of the hire and fire situation they find themselves in most of the time, and; there also goes the fact that companies are becoming more choosy with the employees they will hire following after the threat of terrorism activities, to name a few. And also, the number of companies that are doing employee background check have increased due to the availability of databases across the world which one navigate through the World Wide Web. It is not inevitable for employers to do their own checking on the background of an employee, however on the side of the federal and state laws, they are doing such a thing as compulsory to jobs that has something to do with interacting with children, infirm as well as the elderly people. The following are some of the information that are included when an employee is having their own background checked: their driving records, past employment details, records of being convicted or criminal records, military records, educational background, character references as well as records pertaining to their drug test. Aside from doing some careful examination and investigation regarding the background of certain employees, companies who are hired by employees to do such thing needs to follow the FCRA or the Fair Credit Reporting Act that is responsible for the regulation of the type and the amount of information to be provided by an external agency to an employer. When FCRA mandated that this kind of report should not be reported, external agencies must do so and speaking of reports that should now be reported, here are few examples of them: records of cases of bankruptcy that happened for more than ten years already or even records of any civil lawsuit or criminal acts that took place seven years or more in the past already. FCRA regulations, as you may know, vary with the state and the agencies as well that are performing a pre-employment background check, needed for the purpose of securing that they will comply or heed to the regulations of the state.Why Options Aren’t As Bad As You Think

Getting To The Point – Screening